Picture of Oscar Romano

Oscar Romano

Unlocking Connections: Sharing Impact with Others

The Power of Sharing Impact

“You made a huge difference to me today,” my colleague beamed as she shared how my suggestion had helped her overcome a challenge at work. That moment of appreciation not only made my day but also strengthened our professional bond. This experience made me realize the importance of sharing the impact others have on our lives. It helps to foster stronger connections, and most importantly, it can encourage people to be more invested in us. Let’s dive into why sharing impact is crucial and how you can do it effectively.

Why Share Impact?

In a world where people often feel unnoticed or undervalued, sharing the impact someone has made on you can be incredibly powerful. It shows them that their efforts, skills, or qualities are recognized and appreciated. Here’s why sharing impact is important:

  1. Builds connections: Sharing the impact someone has made on you fosters a sense of connection and camaraderie. It helps to break down barriers and establish trust, allowing you to form deeper relationships with others.
  2. Encourages growth: When people know they have made a positive impact, it encourages them to continue growing and developing their skills. It also helps them recognize their strengths and talents.
  3. Boosts motivation and morale: Knowing that your actions have positively impacted someone can boost your motivation and morale. This, in turn, can lead to increased productivity and happiness in the workplace.
  4. Creates a positive feedback loop: Sharing impact encourages a culture of openness and gratitude, where people feel comfortable expressing their appreciation for others. This can create a positive feedback loop that strengthens relationships and increases overall satisfaction.

Sharing Impact at Work

In professional settings, sharing impact can significantly enhance teamwork, collaboration, and overall workplace culture. Acknowledging the contributions of your colleagues can inspire them to continue performing at their best, while also fostering a positive and supportive environment. 

Some ways to share impact at work include praising team members during meetings, offering constructive feedback during one-on-one discussions, and highlighting individual achievements in performance evaluations. By making an effort to recognize and appreciate the positive impact of others, you can help create a workplace where everyone feels valued and motivated to succeed.

Sharing Impact in Personal Relationships

Sharing impact in personal relationships, such as with family and friends, can lead to stronger bonds, improved communication, and a more supportive environment. Taking the time to express your appreciation and acknowledge the positive impact of others can create a sense of closeness and trust. 

To share impact in personal relationships, consider writing heartfelt notes, engaging in meaningful conversations, or showing gratitude through acts of kindness. By regularly sharing impact with the important people in your life, you can nurture and deepen your connections, fostering a greater sense of belonging and emotional well-being.

How to Share Impact Effectively

Sharing impact doesn’t have to be a grand gesture or a public announcement. It can be as simple as a heartfelt thank you or a brief message expressing your appreciation. Here are some tips for sharing impact effectively:

  1. Be specific: Instead of just saying “thank you” or “good job,” explain exactly how the person’s actions, skills, or qualities have impacted you. This will help them understand the value of their contribution and make your appreciation more meaningful.
  2. Be genuine: Share impact from a place of genuine appreciation, not just because you feel obligated to do so. People can sense when you’re being sincere, and genuine expressions of gratitude have a greater impact.
  3. Be timely: Share the impact as soon as you can after the event or action took place. This ensures that the person’s actions are still fresh in their mind and makes your appreciation more relevant.
  4. Consider the person’s preferences: Some people prefer public recognition, while others may feel more comfortable with a private message or conversation. Consider the individual’s preferences when sharing impact to ensure that your message has the intended effect.
  5. Practice active listening: To share impact effectively, you need to be an active listener. This means fully engaging in the conversation, asking questions, and showing genuine interest in what the other person is saying.

The Science Behind Sharing Impact

Sharing impact has psychological and neurological benefits that contribute to our overall well-being and the formation of strong social bonds. When we express gratitude and share impact, our brains release oxytocin, a hormone associated with trust, bonding, and social connection. This “feel-good” hormone helps to reduce stress and anxiety, while also promoting positive emotions and empathy. 

Additionally, research shows that sharing impact can increase our levels of happiness and satisfaction in life, as it encourages us to focus on the positive aspects of our relationships and experiences. By sharing impact, we not only strengthen our connections with others but also improve our mental and emotional well-being.

Barriers to Sharing Impact and Overcoming Them

Several barriers can prevent people from sharing impact, such as fear of vulnerability, discomfort with expressing emotions, or cultural norms that discourage open displays of appreciation. To overcome these barriers, practice self-awareness and recognize your own hesitations around sharing impact. 

Embrace vulnerability and understand that sharing impact is a powerful way to connect with others, even if it feels uncomfortable at first. Challenge cultural expectations by promoting a more open and expressive environment, both at work and in your personal life. By consciously working to overcome these barriers, you can experience the numerous benefits that come from sharing impact with others.

Examples of Sharing Impact

Real-life examples and case studies can illustrate the power of sharing impact in various contexts. For instance, consider a manager who regularly shares impact with her team members, praising their efforts and acknowledging their contributions. As a result, the team experiences increased morale, improved communication, and a more positive workplace culture. 

In a personal context, imagine a husband who consistently shares impact with his wife, expressing appreciation for her support and acknowledging the positive difference she makes in his life. This open communication strengthens their emotional connection and fosters a more loving and supportive relationship. These examples demonstrate the transformative power of sharing impact in both professional and personal settings.

Take the Initiative to Share Impact

Sharing the impact others have made on your life is a simple yet powerful way to foster stronger connections, motivate growth, and create a more positive environment. By taking the time to share impact, you can help others recognize their value and potential, while also encouraging them to be more invested in you.

Time to Commit

  1. Reflect on a recent situation where someone made a positive impact on your life. How did their actions, skills, or qualities affect you?
  2. Identify one person you want to share impact with this week. What will you say to them, and how will you communicate your appreciation?
  3. How can you incorporate sharing impact into your daily routine to strengthen your connections and create a more positive environment?

Oscar is an Executive Leadership Coach and Founder of Romano Leadership. Interested in learning more? Sign up for a complimentary coaching call at this link.